Our Certifications

Quality Certifications

On 20 February 2004, we achieved the important milestone of Quality System Certification in compliance with the UNI EN ISO 9001:2015 international standard, – a version of the standard also referred to as Vision 2000.
We have also attained a Certificate of conformity with the requirements of organic production pursuant
to Reg. CE 834/07 and CE 889/08, and a Certificate of IFS - VII (International Food Standard) compliance.


Certificato ISO 9001:2015

Design and development of new products.
Production, storage, packaging and marketing of extra-virgin olive oil and other food oils with own branding or other branding.


Certificato Conformità Prodotto Biologico

Compliance with the requirements of organic production pursuant to Reg. CE 834/07 and CE 889/08 for the operations of preparation and processing, packaging and/or conditioning, brand labelling and distribution.



Compliance with the International Food Standard (IFS Higher Level) for the storage, bottling and packaging of olive oils.

Oleificio Secchi

At our oil mill, every member of the team is involved in the Quality Policy, and every company process is constantly monitored.
Oleificio Secchi is an ISO 9001:2008, IFS certified company and complies with the requirements for organic production.

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